a friend in need is a friend in deed…

Daca-mi vine sa plang plang si imi trece
Daca pierd spun mereu ‘Nu-i nimic’
Una calda si-apoi una rece
Astazi cad, maine iar ma ridic.

Nu stiu de ce, dar de fiecare data cand ascult melodia asta, imi vine in minte imaginea Andreei. nu am mai vazut-o(fizic) de doi ani. dar in fiecare zi o vad. in fiecare zi e aproape de mine. o simt aproape. si mi-e dor de ea. azi mi-e dor mai tare ca de obicei. si nu stiu de ce. cand mi-am propus sa fac pagina asta, ma gandeam ca nu voi avea poze sa postez. dar la o renumarare, mi-am dat seama ca AM PRIETENI!. si am mai multi decat mi-am dat seama. dumnezeule, ce oameni valorosi am langa mine. fiecare cu “ciudateniile” lui(am citat dintr-un viitor mare clasic). si ii iubesc pe fiecare, in felul meu…

Andruskha, iti multumesc pentru zilele(diminetile, mai ales) in care readuci zambetul pe chipul meu de la vreo nu-stiu-cate-sute de kilometri distanta.

Acest Articol a fost scris la data de 07.04.2006

A companion in need is a companion undoubtedly


Practically dependably it is the birthplace of an expression or colloquialism that requires the most exploration; the significance being admirably grasped. This expression is fascinating since there are different translations of its significance.

Firstly, right ‘a companion in need is a companion indeed’ or ‘a companion in need is a companion in deed’? Besides, right ‘a companion (at what time you are) in need’ or ‘a companion (who is) in need’? Provided that the previous, then the expression methods: ‘someone who causes you when you are in need is a correct friend’. Assuming that the last, it is ‘someone who needs your assistance comes to be particularly agreeable so as to acquire it’.

Along these lines, that gives us four alternatives:

1. A companion, (when you are) in need, is in reality an accurate companion. (‘indeed’)

2. A companion, (when you are) in need, is somebody who is ready to act to reveal to it (‘in deed’)

3. A companion, (who is) in need, is in reality an accurate companion. (‘indeed’)

4. A companion, (who is) in need, is somebody who is ready to act to reveal to it (‘in deed’)

The definitive importance might be determined to some degree by the documentary proof -see underneath. By the by, there is no unambiguous right or wrong here and this is an expression that we likely deduce the significance of from connection when we first catch it. Whichever of the above choices we at first choose will bond our comprehension of the expression; presumably without end, if the intensity of the commonly opposing sends I get on this subject are anything to pass by.


A rendition of this saying was known by the 3rd century Bc. Quintus Ennius composed: ‘amicu certus in re incerta cernitur’. This deciphers from the Latin as ‘a beyond any doubt companion is known when in difficulty’.

The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations records it as existing in English from the 11th century. The soonest variant I can find is from Caxton’s Sonnes of Aymon, 1489:

“It is sayd, that at the nede the frende is knowen.”

The ethics play Everyman likewise holds comparative lines. The play’s date is questionable and researchers put it as ‘late 15th century’, which could be before Caxton’s function:

Association: Sir, I say as I will do in deed.

Everyman: Then be you an exceptional companion at need;

By the 16th century, when the precept was recorded in John Heywood’s A Dialogue Conteynyng Prouerbes and Epigrammes, 1562:

Demonstrate [i.e. test] thy companion ere [before] thou have require; yet, in-deed

A companion is never known work a man have require.

When I had require, my generally show adversaries

Appeared my generally companions; however hence the planet goes

In this way, what does that confirmation demonstrate as far as unique significance? Ennius’ content is uncertain and, being a later interpretation, can’t be recognized the definitive wellspring of the expression in English. Caxton’s form is additionally unhelpful. The Everyman play is clearer in its expectation and helps translation 2. Heywood’s verse can’t be acknowledged the definitive importance as the different references originate before it. It is worth recognizing however as Heywood was a relentless recorder of sayings as grasped in England in the 16th century. It is protected to say that, whatever perspective we have now, in 1562 either 1 or 2 was the acknowledged significance.

Not 3 or 4 has all the earmarks of being backed by right on time messages and, as they aren’t substantially held today either, it appears protected to markdown them. On the offset of proof, translation 2 has the best case to be the definitive significance of the expression, i.e. ‘a companion, when you are in need, is somebody who is ready to demonstrate their companionship by their deeds’ .

A pursuit of electronic material shows that ‘a companion in need is a companion indeed’ has something like double the general population money as ‘a companion in need is a companion in deed’. Those who stand up for the last are likely right, yet they will have some major difficulty updating the psyche of the “in fact” unforeseen.



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